Key updates for MICE event planners
Type of event session | Event size limit |
Participants are predominantly seated or standing in a fixed position during the entire session.
For example:Meeting or conventions |
Up to only 1000 fully vaccinated participants at a time, per session
Only allow 50 participants per zones |
Participants are predominantly not seated and moving about during session
Example: Exhibitions or networking sessions |
Up to only 500 fully vaccinated participants at a time, per session
Only allow 50 participants per zones |
- All participants must be fully vaccinated. Otherwise the event size will be limited to 50 participants without the need for Pre-Event Testing (PET)
- Event exceeding 50 participants, the number of children aged 12 and below is capped at least 20% of the total number of participants
- For planning purposes, the Event Organisers may continue to engage STB on applications for MICE event planners in Singapore that are larger than the current size limit.

MICE events refers to business oriented events such as meetings, conferences and exhibitions arranged or held in the course of business with more than 50 participants which are not held for individual consumers to attend. MICE events with 50 participants or less do not require MTI’s approval. Permitted enterprises may proceed to organise the physical and virtual events and adhere to the Safe Management Measure (SMMs) at the Workplace by the Ministry of Manpower.
Up to 50 participants at a time | 51 to 500/000 participants at a time |
Adhere to Safe Management Measures (SMMs) at the Workplace by the Ministry of Manpower MICE event pilot application is not required |
Both the Event Organiser and Event Venue (collectively,EOs) must submit an application for STB’s assessment and for the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) to approve the EO carrying out the event. |
Include Event Organisers but exclude premises staff at third party venues |
An individual must be:
Pre-Event Testing (PET) is only required for all foreignparticipants who are on a Controlled Itinerary, and only local residents and Business Travel Pass (BTP) holders with recent travel history. |
The total operating capacity per session will include all participants of the event, including exhibition, media attending the event, speakers, participants’ liaison officers and other staff members who are participating in the event are included in the total operating capacity. All other EO staff and external service providers are excluded.
Submission of application for planning MICE event
Under the Safe Business Event (SBE), EOs must implement the Safe Management Measure which will meet the 5 outcomes required for the planning of MICE events in a safe and controlled manner. The Safe Management Measures must span a participant’s entire journey, at least 60 minutes before, during and at least 60 minutes after the MICE event.
To hold a MICE event, an Eo must submit an application for STB assessment and support for the Ministry of Trade Industry (MTI) to approve the EO carrying out the event. Each MICE event and its related marketing efforts may be carried out only after receiving written approval from the Ministry of Trade Industry. Eos must submit their application at least 1 month prior to each MICE event. STB and MTI will take up to 14 business days to assess each application.
Enforcement of Measures for Event Planners Singapore
STB will conduct enforcement checks to ensure compliance with Safe Management Measures. Enforcement action will be taken against the Event Planners in Singapore and Event Venues who hold MICE events without registering with STB or receiving the necessary approval from MTI and/ or who fail to comply with the necessary Safe Management Measures. Action may also be taken against EOs who conduct events that were not included in the event application and/or approved by MTI.
Under the COVID-19 act passed in Parliament on 7 April 2020, here are some of the few punishments that will be received by the virtual events company or the event planners Singapore. First- time offenders will face a fine of up to S$10,000, imprisonment of up to six months, or both. Repeat offenders will face a fine of up to S$20,000, imprisonment of up to twelve months, or both. Businesses that are not compliant may be ordered to cease business activities or close altogether. Under the Infectious Diseases (Mass Gathering Testing for Coronavirus Disease 2019) Regulations 2021, EOs that fail to comply with requirements thereunder will face a fine not exceeding $10,000 and participants that fail to comply will face a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both. Businesses that are not compliant may also be ineligible for government grants, loans, tax rebates and other assistance
Application Process
MICE event planners without deviation from the Safe Business Event framework |
MICE event planners with deviations from the Safe Business Event framework
In the event that cases are rising higher each day, the event company would might want virtual event planners to be able to run virtual events services online. There are plenty of event planners Singapore who are able to help you run the virtual event. The event company is able to enquire you more information about it.
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